Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day: 2016

                 Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!

In a world where life goes by at what seems like a million miles a minute it is good to take a step back and thank some of the most amazing people in our lives. That's right, today I am saying thank you to Mothers everywhere!
A Mother is a friend, teacher, FBI agent and our guardian angel all at one time. Not every mother is going to be the best, that is the cold hard reality but that should make you appreciate your mom (or whatever mother figure you have) all the more! Today is the time that even the strongest most manliest guy wont feel ashamed to buy a bouquet of flowers for his mama. So don't you dare ignore your Mother today! So lets take a moment to appreciate them in a way that only our generation could. Meme's about Mommies.

credit to Rotten E Cards
Mom or not we have all been there! I know this is true for my mom. I think I got my abilities to be stressed out and multitask from her.
credit to Your E Cards-

If you say you haven't followed your mom to the bathroom or called her when she was about to get in the shower then you are lying. We are all guilty of this.

I think my mom is thankful that I was into CSI and Criminal Minds. Though I admit that I watched The Lion King way too many times when I was younger.

Credit to google :/
That is where their super human strength comes from!!!
Now I know your secrets!
I also wondered why whenever a kid says "Mom!!!" all the ladies turn around. Mom is a universal code word for superhero. I am convinced of this and no one can change that!

I would like to say that the struggles of being a mom don't end when the kids hit double digits but that is just the calm before the storm. Yeah we are cute when we are 10-13 but then we become Teenagers, also  known as The Spawn of Satan. Terrible Two's I would like you to meet Terrible Teens. Now get out!

Now a short recap, go tell you Mother you love her and have a fantastic weekend! I will be post a chapter review later so the page might get a little crowded today. Thanks for reading!!!!


~Aki Ame Okami

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