Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Quick Update:

Hey guys, What's up?

As I mentioned previously we have a lot in the works for this summer and I will let you know every now and then what we have coming up.
For June we have some fun things in mind!

First: I will be reviewing the first two books of the popular manga "Bloody Mary" which I am really looking forward to.

Second, I am making a few costumes. I will be making a Maid costume and an Attack On Titan survey Corps uniform.

I also received a copy of Sea of Souls (book 2 in the Keys of Candor series) from the authors so that was really cool and made an awesome graduation gift :P

Below is just some progress pics of the maid outfit.

 The back will have a hilarious fluffy pink bow because Heiwa has a thing for bows and you all know that I will do anything for Heiwa :P 

Sorry about the sideways pictures.
The front will have a "full" length apron with frills and bows. If you have ever watched me before than you know I hate frills so I am amazed that I am getting so into this costume.

 Pinning rounded frills is a PAIN IN THE NECK! Why must it be so tedious. xd
Also, there will be a "Bonnet" and a set of cuffs to go with the costume. There will be two variations of this outfit. One strictly maid and the other Virgo from FairyTail.
I look forward to doing this things with you all watching :D

~Aki Ame Okami

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 21 "The Red Deaths" by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin

                     A Chapter a Day: Day 21
Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book on in the Keys of Candor Series by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes.

Hello everyone! How are you? Today is the final day of our reviews! If you are anything like me and you almost have to be if you are still here then you are sad about the ending of a great book, but I have good news!

glamour shots of the book and my drink.

 Any avid reader and reviewer would have something lined up for the next few months.
 So that is what I did.

I have set up a new manga series to follow.

 I would like to introduce you to "Bloody Mary".
It is in the supernatural genre and full of bishies so I am looking forward to it!  >:}

I will cover these books in June and come July I has something huge and special in mind for you guys but I cant say anything else or Heiwa will scold me again. -_-

So without further postponement I would like to embark on our seemingly last adventure. Lets read chapter 21! :)
~~~~~~~~~~20-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~

Nononononononononono! Don't do this!
We learned that Wael was alive and... alive. Him and Kull are chained up... in front of a trough... so they can be sacrificed...

That is like the worlds biggest no-no. Wael was beating so badly that he can't talk and Kull is pretty much just waiting to die and I am an emotional wreck Like Lukens Ship that cannot handle this.

I was very, very impressed with Kull. The way he handled... everything was just so honorable and moving that it made me really happy and really sad. He has definitely matured into a prisoner of war.

Then the authors go to Willyns point of view and throw this at me,

"He could have been something more." 

Why must you do this to us/me? He should have been something more! Willyn, he was perfect and now he might actually be dead! I don't want to believe he is dead but that might just be my strong anime roots invading my common sense. The way she kept thinking about him just continued to make me sad.
Gah.. that scene just ruined me.

-Insert crazy rambling of the word "Why" for about 20 minutes-

AH YES! BRONSON AND ADLEY! That makes Bradley o.o
I was so happy when she showed up and the fact that Bronson helped her sneak in?! Oh my gosh yes! It was just too good to be true.
When Kull started doubting her I got so miffed at him. This girl that you have liked for years doesn't just show up randomly with "special permission" to remind the guards that you have to die in a few hours. Don't doubt her like that. That isn't our Adley.
She is such a good girl sneaking him a lock pick <3
Have more faith in your girl.

"He took his only opening." What the heck do you mean by that?!?!

The authors have talent for leaving us with a cliffhanger which is frustrating but at the same time really exciting because I know that book two is already out so it isn't like the series has been dropped or anything.  This brings me to the second major announcement of this post.
The amazing authors, Casey and Seth, have been so wonderful as to hook me up with a copy of the second book in the Keys of Candor series, Sea of Souls! So come the second half of July I am planning to review that book! (it definitely got bumped up in the review queue).  Be sure to come back and experience this with me!

I am going to leave you all with the fandom chant.

"Being a fan doesn't mean you were there from the beginning, it means you are willing to be there until the end."

This my friends, is only the beginning. :)

Signing out about "The Red Deaths" for the last time, Woof.

~Aki Ame Okami

Monday, May 23, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 20 "The Red Deaths" by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin

                                                        A Chapter a Day: Day 20

Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes.

Before we get started with the reading I had a strange thought whilst typing up the title. "The Red Deaths"... Does that mean that all the current keepers will die?! Wael! Someone need to go get Wael and take care of him because that is bad news.

Anyways, lets find out what actually happens!
Lets read Chapter 20!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                     !!**WARNING! SPOILERS BELOW**!!

I don't know why but this thought was inspired during the reading of this chapter.
What if the entire book was a plot twist and the bad guys are good guys?
I don't think this is the case, or rather I am certain that it isn't. It is a nice conspiracy theory though, fun to think about....

Seam is being very capable today.
For him to have been so passive the entire book he really exerted himself today.
First he goes and beats Kull up and steals his key, which was really exciting because Kull inspired doubt in the soldiers but we will talk about that next. Then he goes to capture Willyn and Grift. Maybe I am wrong but I was certain that they noted Lukens presence on the ship so it wouldn't make sense for them to kill him and not the others.
Seam, did you get caught up in the moment? I think you did........

Kull... buddy... Im so sorry...
He was dealt a bad hand in todays chapter. He was caught and delivered to Seam sometime between chap. 19 and chap. 20. However being chained up and battered hasn't dampened Kull's spirit. I love how he gives Seam attitude and how he rats him out. Go and tell everyone all his secrets! Good boy Kull!
I love the description "With the look of a beaten dog ready to retaliate." that really says a lot about the situation and the atmosphere. I used to walk rescue dogs and help with their care and if you have ever seen a beaten dog then you know just how powerful this description is. I don't think any humans hate is equivalent to a dog retaliating.

No! They were just starting to get along! Why did they have to do that?! Luken better not be dead! I wont give up hope of  him showing up in the final chapter and saving Willyn and Grift. That is my top friendship and I refuse to acknowledge the bad position that they are in.
I love the fighting spirit that they all had. If they were going to be captured they were going to make a show out of it. Their strategy was good but I am surprised they didn't see the flash grenades coming. Grift is a military expert after all and I am certain that Luken has had some form of training, then we have our goddess of war Willyn.

My overall impression of this chapter is that horrid feeling that someone is going to die. With only one day left I can only imagine the terrifying things that the next chapter holds, though I am sort of glad that we are just about done with this book because I feel a sickness coming on and my energy is just zapped. 

Join me tomorrow for the final chapter of "The Red Deaths"! It is going to be a big celebration and I might even have something to drink to celebrate!

~Aki Ame Okami

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 19 "The Red Deaths" by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes

                               A Chapter a Day: Day 19

Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin.

Hey guys! So today has been a day but I have great news, I am going to be doing props and wardrobe for a production company!!! I don't have many details yet (I also don't have permission to write about it so shhh) but when I do I will tell you all about it!
Lets get reading Chapter 19!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

First thing is first. I am going to reuse my Shizuo picture because Shizou is <3

                    !!**WARNING SPOILERS BELOW**!!

Okay. Not cool guys. Not cool at all! Our precious Wael isn't looking good...
I was almost in tears as I read the first few paragraphs. I knew what was coming but it still hit my right in the feels. I love how Wael played peace keeper until the end. He is just so brave and wise that I just have to respect his character however I can't help but feel like something is going to happen with him. I think he is going to die. If that happens I am going to be really sad and mad because that means that Rot never got to say good bye and that's just not okay.... :'(

Our darling Kull has become a man! The way he handles being imprisoned and being forced to work is pretty game-changing when it comes to Kull. I feel like usually he would fall apart mentally or emotionally but he really held it together this time.
I am really proud of him for standing up for the old lady! I was really mad when I thought he was gonna choose his own life over hers but then he saved her and started a riot and I was just like,
"oh, ok then. Good job.".
Speaking of the riot, that moment when Kull started spouting stuff about Aleph to Duncan I almost lost it.

"That changes today. Aleph fights for you and I with Him."
Look who has gone all faithful and Monk-y on us! As much as I want to believe that Kull is our ever believing follower of Aleph, I know better.
I think that Wael did something to him and that is why suddenly he knows the right things to say on behalf of Aleph and why he can stand up to the creepy bone serpent thingy.

Speaking of which,
Kull, you had one job. Everytime that happens you find some amazing way to... mess that up.
From a writers stand point I can understand this because there is an author motto that is "What is the worst thing that can happen to your character? Do it."
and all of these things are certainly terrible for Kull.
These things help him grow and mature as a character, which was proven in this chapter when he had the initiative to start a riot.

What is going to happen to Kull next? He didn't escape after starting the riot and I don't think they are going to be too nice to him now. Not to mention that they saw the whole supernatural exchange so Kull is a Person of Interest now.
Gahh I need to know! I guess we will find out in chapter 21 on Tuesday.
Be sure to come back and read with me! We are so close to the end! Hang in there everyone!

~Aki Ame Okami

He seriously just acted like a monk XD I cant take Kull seriously when he does crap like that.
NOOO NOT WAEL! That scene almost made me cry.
Kull is still being controlled by Wael
What is Kull gonna do next?????

Saturday, May 21, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 18 Take Two Edition "The Red Deaths" by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin

                      A Chapter a Day: Day 18
Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes.

Hey guys, so obviously this is a day late. I did my best to get back before 1-2 AM but that was just impossible. I did manage to read the chapter during the car ride but I only remember a few highlights, so we are going to read it again! That's right, this book is so nice you can read it twice ;)
Lets read chapter 18!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hmmm..... How should I say this- Oh wait!  Almost forgot the warning!                

Nothing makes a girl happier than being assaulted -_-
That first opening scene where Willyn gets mad ands goes after Grift is a strange interaction all around. Willyn responds as expected and wants Grift dead, amazingly he doesn't really fight back. I really respect that because that level of restraint is remarkable.  

When Luken hit her I sort of laughed and glared at the book because that relationship is about to get very awkward. I mean, the entire rest of the chapter Luken is taking Grifts side and Willyn is bound to take that personally.
The way that Luken and Grift take on a an "Air of superiority" or "All-knowing Attitude" made me chuckle. The way they explain The Keepers and The Five is truly like someone trying to explain religion in real life, and Willyns "understanding" was on point with a IRL reaction!

Legends of the Guardians- Owls of Ga'Hoole. The Echidna.

That would be Willyn.
"The one who doubts!" 
Willyn instantly questions why these two grown men are going on about fairytales but when she sees the Onyx key I feel like she is slowly starting to believe it.

Speaking of Willyn, she really feels like a failure over this whole thing. I get it but I feel really bad for her, the authors wrote this touchy subject in a very convincing way and I am very impressed by how it can move people.
I love the way Grift offered emotional support to Willyn and didn't hold anything against her (on the surface).
I am about to sound really weird.His presence in the book adds a "well seasoned" feeling that makes you feel a little more confident in our rag-tag group of keepers.

Now I want to know how Kull is going to react. Is he still going to want Willyn dead or can he overcome his anger and work together with her for the greater good? I guess we will find out more about that tomorrow evening! See you then :)

~Aki Ame Okami

Friday, May 20, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 18 POSTPONED

                  A Chapter a Day: Day 18
                            A Day Late.
Hey guys, we ran into bad weather and a few accidents on the road so we just now got home and I am soaking wet and barely able to type this so I am sad to say that I wont be posting a review today. I will be posting tomorrow though, no matter what nature throws at me! That is a figure of speech, please don't hit me with a tree.
I was actually so tired that this was originally posted as "Day 199".

Sorry about that :/

~Aki Ame Okami

Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 17 "The Red Deaths" By Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes

                                  A Chapter a Day: Day 17

Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin.

Hey guys! So we are really busy tonight because not only am I reviewing Chapter 17 but I will also be doing chapter 18 because I will be out of town tomorrow! That is right, I might possibly have a.... Social life! (Yes, I am joking. I have a review job to do tomorrow.)
Lets read!

~~~~~~~~~~~20-ish minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Flipping politicians...

                  !!**WARNING SPOILERS BELOW**!!

I think I am just reading into this chapter, a lot, but we are having a lot of the same problems in America today that our characters are having in the book.

Everyone is being "joined together" under the false pretense of unifying the peoples and ending discrimination and bloodshed.
Though I doubt that todays politicians are trying to raise the unholy spawn of Aleph, or rather, siblings of Aleph but it is a possibility....

Okay I will pull out of the real world politics because that is a dangerous, dark place to head in right off the bat.

So Seam and Hosp just decide to have a Bro-down (Friendly form of Showdown) in the middle of old Zenith and announce to the world that Lotte and the Groganlands are dating. Basically.
Actually no, that's a horrible yet amusing analogy.

Seam, Hosp and Evan announce to the lands that they are all going to unite and continue living peacefully with one another with a very friendly speech that could very easily draw in the masses. This is all just a façade of course.
In realty Hosp just met Adtren and swore his allegiance to her and almost killed himself to please her. She more or less (mostly less) thanked him and made him promise to find all the keys and kill Seam. She really doesn't like Seam. Hosp is more than happy to comply.

Seam however, mans up and realizes that he can't trust Hosp and designates our winsome Bronson to keep an eye on him. Of course Bronson can't refuse so he grudgingly accepts his duty.

That's all that happened, here is the review portion.

First off, I noticed something a little odd but not unpleasant in this chapter. It read seemingly from multiple perspectives.
It wasn't confusing and didn't read in an awkward way (Unless you pick it apart like I do.) which is an amazing accomplishment for the authors. Most chapters that have multiple POV's get skimmed or skipped because "It's to much work." to figure out what's going on and who's talking. I however was delighted to read from not only Seam's POV but get a little perspective from Bronson and Hosp as well.

Bronson is terrified and acknowledged the fact that "His destiny had been tied to a madman." which is a rather profound statement.

Hosp is a whacko-doodle-doo. I am concerned for the people in his immediate surroundings. The way he communicates with Abtren and the way he so willingly causes self harm is disturbing on a personal level. This is a very well written villain and I send my gratitude to the authors because this might not mean anything to you guys but for me to be disturbed by something it has to be genuinely diabolical and that just doesn't happen very often.

I was amazed that the third member accused of assassinating the kings wasn't Luken. I thought for sure that it would be him because it just makes sense. I can sort of understand why it was Wael though. 
They needed a smart way of tracking him once he got into Elum and the smartest way to do that is to make people think he is a bad guy. It is logical, low and cruel but logical.

Word review time then its bed time :3

First word: Tandem: This word has many forms, the one used in the book is the adjective: "having two things arranged one in front of the other".
It is a fun word, not particularly useful but none the less fun.

Autocrat: "a ruler who has absolute power".

........I can relate to this word. I no longer strive to be a dictator, now I strive to be an Autocrat!

Singeing: "burn (something) superficially or lightly".
I didn't realize this word had a verb form! I seriously had no idea what it was until it hit me. Singe-ing. I learned something new today ^_^

Congenial: "(of a person) pleasant because of a personality, qualities, or interests that are similar to one's own".
...Kiss up. It means Kiss up.

Denizen: "an inhabitant or occupant of a particular place:".
It is a fancy word for resident and townfolk.

Revelry: "lively and noisy festivities, especially when these involve drinking a large amount of alcohol".
Well now... I knew it related to festivities but I had no idea about the alcohol.

With that I am going to wrap this up. I hate doing that but again, it was short. I did notice that Willyn's chapter is next so no more suspense! Hope you all had a fantastic Thursday! See you tomorrow.

~Aki Ame Okami

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 16 "The Red Deaths" by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin

                           A Chapter a Day: Day 16
Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes.

Hey there, it is a rainy Wednesday evening and I cannot think of a better way to spend it than to read a good book, or at least a chapter. Grab your copies and lets read Chapter 16!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Huh... Didn't see that coming.

                                !!**Spoilers below**!!

Lets dive right into the big reveal.

Grift and Wael are the only living keepers?!
They have to pick people to take their "keeper" position after they die and Camden and Hagan hadn't picked or so it seems. I think that Hagan probably would have picked Willyn but his death and illness  came out of no where so he didn't have time to properly inform her.
Camden's son is a nutcase and he knew that.
I think Grift would probably have chosen Kull, it is the most reasonable thing and he did train him for it. The only thing Kull lacks is faith, which considering the situation is pretty key.
 Get it? Key.
Who would Wael have chosen though? It sort of looks like he is going to be stuck with/choose Kull so where does that leave Grift?
Is it possible to choose an animal because I think that Rot would make a great keeper.
This chapter has left me with even more questions but that is a perfect counter balance for the feels overload from yesterday so even though we haven't encountered many answers the authors still knew what they were doing by arranging the chapters like this.

Geez, everything so far is questions however, I did find an answer!
I know why I enjoy Kull and Wael's chapters so much....
This is an authors life goal.
Their vocabulary.
Yes, I know some people don't admire a big word the same way I do but you have to understand just how much time goes into finding the perfect word and its worth noting.
Here are the words.

Fealty:  "a feudal tenant's or vassal's sworn loyalty to a lord" And "formal acknowledgment of this".
Have any of you read this word before? I haven't. This is a brand new word for me and while I can't say that it will effect my day to day conversations I think it will find a place in my future writing projects. Yes college, I am talking about you.

Precipice: "a very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one".
This word isn't as rare as the last one but it is definitely on the uncommon list. This word should be used more often because it is a great way to wrap a description of a rocky terrain all up in one nice little, easy to pronounce word.

Satiated: Another term for Sate.
Sate: satisfied to the full; satiated.
Why isn't this word used more often?! It is a simple yet to the point terminology that can not only save space but increase your readers IQ by 5 points!

Last word!
Coherent: "(of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent". Meaning 2: "united as or forming a whole". Meaning 3: "(of waves) having a constant phase relationship"

I think this is the perfect word to describe Wael. This is his entire being wrapped up in one unsurpassable word.

This was also a short chapter so there isn't much to report.
The frequent shortness of the chapters is causing me to be suspicious of the impending climax of the book. I can't shake that "something big is about to happen" feeling.
Be sure to join me tomorrow for chapter 17! We are only four chapters away from finishing the book and you have all done a great job tagging along and experiencing this with me so hang in there for a few more days!

~Aki Ame Okami

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 15 "The Red Deaths" be Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin

                                   A Chapter a Day: Day 15
Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes.

Hey there, I am not going to linger in the greetings for too long because I want to get this done before midnight today so without further delay lets read chapter 15!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh geez....  We have two warnings for this chapter.

This chapter was an emotional mine field.
Our brave Willyn has been imprisoned for 3, maybe 4 days and that is rightfully driving her insane. All in all I think she is handling her entrapment very well. She has memorized every inch of her cell and thoroughly checks it for weaknesses every moment she is awake. She didn't kill any of the guards either which is a big improvement for her.

I love how the thoughts that brought her comfort were about Luken.  On page 205 it says, "Willyn sat back against the far wall of her cell and stared at the iron door separating her from freedom, from Luken, from seeing Hagan again, and from her hunt for Grift."I think that order is very important. This is her train of thought, her heart and her priorities.
The first thing on her mind is her freedom, what lets her be her. So basically, herself. Then we have Luken. This makes him the second most important thing to her or arguably at a tie with her brother. Hagan comes third (or the second portion of the tie for 2nd place.) and that just helps to break your heart in a few paragraphs. Last we have her hunt for Grift, her drive for the past few weeks and/or months. This is her life's purpose at the moment.
All of that means that Willyn has her priorities in check and, at least in my book, is doing things right.

Now you knew this was coming so hang in there.

Page 208, "He's dead, Willyn. Hagan is dead."
She was expecting it but at the same time this isn't the type of thing you can prepare for. I am having a hard time putting into words the way I am processing this.  This makes me sad, obviously, but at the same time I am really happy with the interactions between Willyn and Luken and how Willyn reacts to it so from an outsiders perspective I think this was the perfect time to let him die.

Willyn emotionally falls apart. She goes through anger, disbelief, back to anger and then sadness. She lashes out at the only person left on her side and says some hurtful things. This is a normal response but it doesn't make it any easier for the other

This ^

person, Luken, to hear but he doesn't yell or insult her, he doesn't rush her through her processing the information and he doesn't leave her. He sits there with her and tolerates her foul attitude until the last possible moment. Then he inspires her to get back on her feet and make Hagan proud.
For me that is really impressive and sweet and makes the bitter reality of Hagan's death not feel so bad. I really like Luken as a character.

Hagan's death was somehow, not the outstanding moment in this chapter.
Luken helps Willyn escape. All she has to do is run to the boat. Pretty easy right? Well she gets her hand shot but other than that it is without incident.
She locks herself in the cabin of the boat per Lukens orders. It is dark in there and her top priority is to stop the bleeding in her hand.
I was expecting her to pass out or find a morel, because she is really good at that, but nope. The authors blindsided me with this one.

She finds Grift. She has chased this man all over Candor and now he is just going to casually stop her from bleeding to death.
Why would they do this to us/me?! I have at least 2 more chapters until I figure out what the heck is going on, on that boat! I want to know what's going on but at the same time I am afraid she is going to do something rash and hurt him then lash out at Luken for hiding Grift from her. I have so many mixed feelings about this. I hope that Kull's chapter helps distract me because I am going to be thinking about this all day tomorrow.

Alright, fun word time! There was only 2 words in this chapter so don't worry.
First word, Regicide: "the action of killing a king". I love the use of this formal word! Most people don't realize this, but there is an almost never ending list of legal "Cides" that hardly ever get used.
Everyone is a murderer but no one is guilty of viricide.

Last word, Immaculate: "(especially of a person or their clothes) perfectly clean, neat, or tidy"
This is another word that doesn't get used as often as it should. These authors are doing the world a favor by improving its vocabulary.
Be sure to join me tomorrow in our hunt for answers! See ya!

~Aki Ame Okami

Monday, May 16, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 14 "The Red Deaths" by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin

                                A Chapter a Day: Day 14

Reviewing "The Red Deaths" Book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes.

It is once again a Monday as we celebrate the two week mark of our reading excursion! I am really happy that I met Seth and Casey at Hickory-Con and that I bought this book. I am really enjoying this and find that my mind always wonders back to this book and the story within.  Enough reminiscing, lets read chapter 14!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well, I was right. He hanged the mirror in his study and is just staring at it. (For you grammar nerds out there, hanged is the proper past tense term for hang for this sentence.)

The mirror lady finally has a name! I was right... about the first letter. Abtren. I bet spell check hated that. I like her, she knows exactly what to say to make Seam mad.
However, Abtren's ability to anger Seam is nothing compared to his mothers.

                                    **!!Spoilers below!!**

Aleigha deserves a better son! She has stood by him, supported him, tried to protect him and loved him unconditionally but the moment she tells him that he shouldn't try to take over the world, he gets mad. I have a hard time respecting someone who can back talk their mother like that.

The dreams that she tells him about really intrigue me.  That is a very symbolic way to give hints as to the future of a character. I have no doubts that the dreams will haunt me for the next few days as I try to decipher their meanings, but why should that stop me from taking a guess now?

"Through the door you encounter a stone staircase. Yet each stone is made up of hundreds and thousands of mangled bodies....."

"This staircase is both alive and dead, and each stone screams out to you, blaming you for its fate. Blaming you for this abomination, the staircase descends down into the darkness. The staircase, somehow, though I don't understand it, never leads up... Yet you have no problem walking on these living stones. In fact, you don't even notice them, Seam." "You just keep descending... and where the staircase ends... Your father. Camden is at the end of the staircase. He stands to block your path; he says he has something to tell you but you... you slit his throat."
Seam is walking his lonely path, leaving thousands of bodies in his wake. He doesn't fully understand what he is unleashing on the world by involving The Five and that's why he cannot acknowledge the bodies. Camden.. He got in the way. Made things difficult. So Seam got rid of him. No words can console Seam, he is pleased with his choices and has no intentions of changing them.

That is my theory.

His mothers subconscious is trying to warn her and tell her what Seam did/ is doing and I think that will get her killed.
I can see him putting it off like it was an accident or she died of a "broken heart" when a broken neck would probably be closer to the truth.
I am really curious as to what the future holds for Seams mom. I am genuinely concerned for her safety! I hope Bronson sticks to her like glue so that Seam can't pull anything.
I am going to touch base on the interactions between Abtren and Seam then I will wrap things up. 

His behavior is contumelious! ((of behavior) scornful and insulting; insolent."))
What a little brat! "Excuse me, thing I have been worshipping this entire book, yeah. I own you now. Behave."(not a direct quote, my train of thought.) Who does that?! He has fought for so long and has done so many awful things  to get to Abtren and once he has her he is just going to treat her like that? If you have ever been in a work environment then you know that people are much happier working for a gracious boss than for some schmuck who reminds you he is in charge. Not to say that Seam is a schmuck (German for brother but we all know what it means in America.) but....
Also, I am super impressed with Abtrens evil form. For those of you who don't know Okami (or Ookami) means Wolf in Japanese so I obviously have a serious addiction to all things fluffy and deadly. Specifically wolves.  This reveal of her true form has just left me with a happy, almost giddy joy. I love her and want her to do something awful to Seam, not Candor just Seam.

This was a short chapter so that means a short review. I end things here. Sorry about the late post! Join me tomorrow for Willyns chapter!

~Aki Ame Okami

Mini Adventure 5/16/16

This is just a mini adventure post since this blog is mainly about the crazy admin life.

I went hiking with Mikata at South Mnt. State Park this morning to take graduation pictures in a cap n' gown, so more or less I looked like some weirdo hiking up a mountain in a cloak. I was totally fine with that. There was also a high school field trip group that was there and just a little down stream, so they could hear us if we yelled. Keep that in mind.

So we settled down at our first picture location and I get completely dressed (hat, diploma, all the fancy stuff) and Mikata is just staring me up and down. I am confused but don't ask questions. She does that sometimes. Then she just goes and says "Take off your shirt.".

I turn around and half yell "This is not Free!! I will no strip!". The forest got awkwardly quiet and then all the high schoolers down stream started laughing their heads off. Yep. The life of an otaku is a fun/sad one. Happy Adventuring! I will be back later with a chapter review. ~Aki Ame Okami

Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 13 "The Red Deaths" by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes

                                      A Chapter a Day: Day 13

Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin.

Hello and happy Sunday! I have great news!
Senpai(s) noticed us again and it is apparently ok to call them Seth and Casey! That makes me very happy because the formal "Mr." thing isn't really fitting for my conversation style writing.
So they answered my questions again and I was quite pleased with the answer.
This book took 3 years to finish and somewhere around 7 drafts.
That is a lot of work. Now whenever I pick up the book to read it I am even more careful than I was before because for someone to devote that much time, energy and emotion to something makes it really special and important to me.

Alright, enough rambling! Grab your books and lets read Chap. 13!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 Eternities Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I can't even. Not before the warning.                                

                                      **!!Spoilers below!!**

Uh oh. This doesn't look good.

Alright, Kull good job. Since I do these reviews in the order of my reaction (so from the first paragraph to the last) for the moment I am going to praise you. Good job on persevering even though your foot was killing you and sacrificing your hair for the greater good.
I am proud of you.
I really liked the description of "The Pass" and "Kings Canyon". They really helped me to picture the story in my mind and follow
them along, I am sure it also helps that I love WoW and usually
Main Orgrimmar Gate "We will slaughter anyone who stand in our way"
play a Tauren or Troll so I have practically grown up in Orgrimmar and The Southern Barrens. Not to mention the dreaded Hellfire Peninsula.
If you look at any of the reference pictures to the

Hellfire Peninsula, I always die here.
 left then you will note how there are similarities between the landscape in the book and the landscape in the game. I actually have a ton of visual aids for todays post so be

Southern Barrens, the happiest place on earth.
prepared for pictures!

Okay, I like Arik. I am glad he finally got a name even if he is just a side character. I like his sense of humor and easy to pronounce name :D
He better take good care of Rot! Don't let anything bad happen to the fluffy puppy. 

Moving on, I absolutely love the exchange between Wael/Kull and "The Reds". Not only do we learn how the Grogans have reacted to the accusations of Willyns murderous ways but I feel like we also get a clue about the book. "The Red Deaths" might imply the death of the sanguinary Grogans? I don't feel like Seth and Casey would
make it that easy to spot though. My second favorite part about "The Reds" Is their "Red Leader". I have a very childish reason for this.

Does anyone remember this movie?
Do you remember how he gives them all code names?
Red 1.
Red 2.
Red 3.
Red Baby.
Red Leader.

Red Leader.

This means that I will hold "The Reds" in the same regard as Vin Diesel. That is a very good place to be in my books.
This places "The Red Deaths" up there with Vin, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jason Stratham. Good job! ^_^

Ok, I promise from here on out I will reign in my goofy tendencies.

The entire process of Wael healing Kull's foot was very suspicious but proves that our Mastermonk definitely has something special about him. I also think that he chose Kull's words back when they were talking to "Red Leader" because I don't think Kull is capable of such diplomacy.  He actually proves that he isn't when they

speak to Hosp later. This is where I just had to do a face palm on behalf of Wael. He asked you to do one thing Kull, one thing! Not talk. Even you admitted that it shouldn't be too hard.
Speaking of Hosp, I finally found a picture for him. I have been looking for almost two weeks now and I have been able to fin a picture that was flattering (Because all evil guys have to steal girls hearts. That's an unwritten rule.) and creepy enough to properly represent our evil weasel.

Everything with Hosp and Wael seemed off. I think the moment Wael saw Hosp he knew that something was up and that he had something to do with the tragedies happening in Candor. However, I do know that something exciting is about to happen because Wael and Kull ran. When a characters run you know something good is on its way! Get it? When someone runs then something evil is sure to follow...

One last thing and then I am going to wrap this up. When they first walked into the city and they made reference to the "Pillboxes" it sort of confused me.  I thought "Certainly they don't mean the ones like in Call of Duty: Worlds at War right?" because that would be really interesting for this entire chapter to remind me of my favorite games. Anyways, this is a Pillbox!

Now if you are anything like me than you recognize this as "Those things you charge when you have the flame thrower but NOT when you only have the revolver."

With that I will say my goodbyes. Thank you for enjoying Chapter 13 with me! Tomorrow we celebrate Chapter and day 14 which will put us 2/3's of the way through this awesome experience! I can't decide if I am happy or sad about this. I am heavily leaning towards sad. Be sure to join us tomorrow and thank you for reading along!

~Aki Ame Okami


Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 12 "The Red Deaths" by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes

                         A Chapter a Day: Day 12

Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin.

It is a Saturday evening and for some reason you have joined me once again on this exhilarating adventure. This chapter is going to be a ton of fun so without postponing it any longer grab your books and lets read!

~~~~20-ish Minutes Later~~~~~

We are too far into the book for me to be able to not spoil anything while reviewing the chapters. That's the cold hard truth.
So there will be SPOILERS below. You have been warned.

This is just one of the cutest things from the LoTR fandom.

I laughed out loud and creeped out my roommates when I read,
"She could not help but notice how truly handsome he was. Her logic relaxed. Stop it. You're hungry and tired." Yeah, I usually think about attractive men when I am hungry and tired as well.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Seriously though, if you don't find that funny than one of us must be an alien.  I am so glad they didn't find Grift. That man needs to be free. Though it is pretty cool that he is worth starting a war over. I am almost starting to believe that Grift might actually be killing the kings. Then I get stuck between the circumstantial evidence that Grift did it and Hosp's generally evil nature. The only problem with the Hosp theory is that I don't find him capable of pulling it off. He has tried not once but twice to kill Seam and both times have failed. If he wanted him dead that badly and had already killed 2-3 kings than he would kill him already. Stuff just isn't adding up..
Willyn, What would you have done if that first morel had been Grift? All of your efforts so far would have been pointless. You really need to get a hold of that quick-draw complex. Also, in the book it says "Its red eyes were fixated on Willyn as if it knew she was the one who killed its kin." Well, the first morel did leave a  gash on your cheek so it might be a little obvious that you were the one who shot it. Speaking of that gash, when Willyn got caught in the bog I kept waiting for her to mention the way the mud stung when it lapped over her cheeks and her fresh cut, even though it had been there for around half an hour, in the pouring rain it wouldn't have scabbed over yet so the wound was still open.
She never mentioned that but I get that there was a lot going through her head with the "last words" train of thought.
Her last words would have been her calling out for Luken. Can all the shippers here just take a moment to appreciate that fine cannon.
(Ship = relationship, shippers = people who support a ship, Cannon = the official ship approved by the authors.)

Ahem... Speaking of our attractive captain.

Luken is one of The Five! The way he commanded the morels and the way he appeared to age afterwards makes me think that he is the same as Ayna!!! It also makes sense how he got back on the boat so fast when Willyn shot at him back in chapter 9. He seems to be a good guy but I think that would be really cool if one of the dark creatures lived in Candor long enough to... not want to destroy it(?). Then again he could still plan on destroying things and just have a really good poker face. We haven't had a chapter from his POV so I can't really tell how his head works. If he isn't one of them then he is definitely a Monk. I really like his character an appreciate how we have a solid character who expresses a fair range of emotions and remains strong. Who am I comparing him to? Kull and Wael mainly, Willyn too but to a less extent.
Kull is strong but his emotions are all over the place. He did mentally mature some a few chapters ago so our hero is on the rise.
Wael is strong but has no emotions at all so far so its pretty humorous to even try and compare the two.
Willyn is headstrong and I think she relies a little too much on fire power. She is doing the right thing just maybe in a more forceful way than needed. Up until we met Luken she had kept her emotions (except anger) bottled up so it wasn't really fair to add her to the comparison chart.
     There are more words below

Direct quote from page 162. I seriously need to pick pictures that fit the blog format but we all know that wont happen.

I am glad that we are seeing her grow as a person.

I read this entire chapter while picturing it in my mind and the part that I thought deserved a direct quote the best was that moment where she found peace amidst the storm.  What a warped childhood that had to have happened for her to feel comforted by the sound of explosions. This is all too real though because there are plenty Veterans of our own wars that feel at home among the roaring of gun fire and explosions and yet uncomfortable in a peaceful home environment. That is probably just me overthinking things though.
I really enjoyed todays chapter and I am looking forward to tomorrows chapter.
Now if only I will stop slacking off and go write SoulThief's chapter that is due by noon tomorrow. I made it hard on myself this week by deciding to redo the next 2 weeks of plot line. For the sake of a story things like that have to be done.
I wonder how many times Seth and Casey (or should I be calling them Mr. Ervin and Mr. Eanes?) redid parts of this book? All the authors I have met so far have changed up their plot lines and have fixed at least one chapter after it was written up, so I only feel a little bad about becoming a victim of the plotline plague.

Anyways, be sure to join me tomorrow! Have a great Sunday!

~Aki Ame Okami

Friday, May 13, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 11 "The Red Deaths" by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin

                                                                   A Chapter a Day: Day 11
Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes.

Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying this Friday night somewhere tropical and relaxing. Or maybe you are like me and just got off of work and want to relax with a few episodes of your favorite series then sleep for eternity. Either way, our relaxation method for today is going to be reading! Grab your copies and flip to chapter 11!

~~~~~~~35-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~

Hehehe... I am about to sound like an deranged sociopath but I am so happy that someone finally died! YES! The cherry on top is who died.

VASHTI! Our seductress is soon to be a rotting corpse only capable of seducing a rabid animal. Don't you just love it?
I was very impressed with how Seam wised up to his surroundings. I was concerned that he would get caught up in his desires and become careless because that happens way too often and his character was starting to read as that type. The way that he killed Vashti was incredibly interesting. He could have done it fast, a slit to the throat or maybe a stab directly to the brain but no. He chose to stab her in the chest, letting her die slowly. It is sort of poetic because he stabbed her in the heart when she was intending to steal his heart and stab him in the back.

Essentially the strong points in this chapter was Vashti's murder and the revealing of the mirror lady. Since "mirror Lady" wasn't given a name in this chapter I am going to call her Ayna which is Turkish for Mirror.
No, I do not know Turkish, I have only studied English, Japanese, German, Sign Language and will be taking Spanish this semester

Now this whole mirror thing sort of creeps me out. How exactly does Seam plan to get Ayna out of the mirror? If it was as simple as breaking it I am sure he would have done that by now. What is he going to do, put the mirror in his study and stare at her for hours on end?
I think Ayna is one of "The Five"...  She is definitely an unholy being. I like the special element she adds to the story. She is creepy, not gonna lie about that. She is going to do some evil things and I hope she is going to kill Hosp, or at least someone needs to kill Hosp.

Bronson!!! I love the bodyguard. Even though he doesn't trust Seam he is still loyal to him. I don't know if any of the readers have ever had to remain loyal to a corrupted person but I assure you that it is very tough.
Alright, you knew it was coming. Fantastic words... Yummy. In this chapter there were 3 words that stood out to me that I want to report to you!

(of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible:
The best part about this word is that it gives me a chance to show you another word!!!!
Tangible: perceptible by touch:
Make sense yet? The word is used in "Bronson's anticipation to see such beauty was palpable." he is referring to Ayna's smile. His desire to see her smile was almost tangible. Now if you are as into words as I am then this is like a gentle whisper in your ear. It is a very strong sentence with great meaning.

Next word, Bellow: "(of a person or animal) emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger:"
This word is used after "I am no fool!" and is referring to the way Seam yells it. I assure you that this was done out of anger and not pain. I love how this word replaces yell, yell is used far too often and I think that bellow has a much stronger meaning.

Last word! Yes, you word haters can rejoice now. 
Ravenous:  (of hunger or need) very great; voracious
Voracious: Meaning 1. "wanting or devouring great quantities of food"
Meaning 2. "having a very eager approach to an activity:"

Which do you think they mean? Yeah. I think so too. As I am sure you can imagine, this word is used when Bronson is describing Ayna's smile. It leaves a very entertaining impression of her. I think, "She is going to do something wicked and I can't wait to see it."
I know that Ayna wouldn't wear a schoolgirl uniform but
the supply of girls trapped in mirrors is surprisingly low.
I know that this review was very brief but blogger is bugging me and not wanting to format correctly. I have been messing with Ayna's picture for about 20 minutes and still couldn't get it where I wanted it. I am also very, very tired. I have a total of three and a half hours wrapped up in this review so there is depressingly little content here for that amount of time. I spent most of this review trying to figure out how this ties into the rest of the story and it is certainly building suspense for the rest of the book. I seem to be stuck in a "Great review one day, eh review the next" and I am terribly sorry about that. I am reviewing a book that is mentally out of my league and that is taking a toll on my ability to dissect this book, however I will continue to put my best foot forward and attempt to thoroughly and properly review the chapters of this book. Please be sure to come back for tomorrows "great review"!

~Aki Ame Okami

Thursday, May 12, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 10 "The Red Deaths" By Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin

                               A Chapter a Day: Day 10
Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes.

Hello and happy day before Friday! So yesterday I got rained out of my scheduled review so that got pushed to later in the month but that's fine. Instead of wasting the day yesterday I binge watched Black Butler with a few admin friends until the unholy hours of the morning and well... One thing led to another and now I am obligated to being a butler for a friend through my Fall semester in college. Kids, never party with admins. There are so many ulterior motives it isn't even funny. Anyways grab your books and lets read Chapter 10!

~~~~~~~30-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~

We are half way through the book.
Let's take a moment to mourn/celebrate that.

Wael my man! This Monk is just as beastly as Rot! I was very impressed with their knowledge, patience and performance. 

Direct quote from the book:this picture is huge so Blogger doesn't do it justice
First Wael schooled our dear Kull on their lands history. That was very interesting because it also gave all of the readers a deeper understanding of what all happened and just how awful the Grogans are. They enlighten us as to who/what "The Five" are/were and how they effected the story.   This development sort of helps us piece together the story and helps things fall into place.
Now my main Monk Wael and his companion Rot are simply amazing. In this chapter the Morels attacked the transport truck that our beloved runaways are hiding on.
Well, the first thing anyone should do when their transport gets attacked is lighten the load. That is just common sense and much to my delight Wael and Kull do exactly that. They ditch the lumber but at a price.
Kull... Come on! Stop getting yourself hurt! Be more conscious of your surroundings and possible dangers! It is a good thing you didn't go to the academy because, dang, that would have been bad. I am very pleased to see that Kull got over his moral dilemma when it comes to killing. It was kill or be killed and I am happy to report that we all survived another chapter! That is mostly thanks to Wael though. The Monk has impressive battle skills for something that is supposed to be a peaceful and religious creature.
I did catch a little secret tidbit when Wael somehow managed to loosen the second load of lumber on his own. Something isn't right but for now I am going to let it slide.
This chapter was mostly history and battle sequences so I don't have that much to report however I did find a few new words that I am delighted to share! Yes, I am weird and I do have a rare word obsession.

Cusp: Noun: A pointed curve where two ends meet, in particular

Now this word doesn't hold any special meaning for me but I love that it is used because it's something that I hear/read often when I am working on props and it isn't used very often in pleasure reading.

Next word!

Verb: append or add as an extra or subordinate part, especially to a document:
This word is entirely new to me so I get to take it away from this book and I will surely remember this wonderful experience every time I get some use out of it!

That is that I have for today. I hope you join me tomorrow for chapter 11 and I hope you have your own copy of this fantastic book!

~Aki Ame Okami

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 9 "The Red Deaths" by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes

                             A Chapter a Day: Day 9
Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book 1 in the Keys of Candor Series by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin.

Hello again and welcome to Ani-Maze-Me, I am so glad you have decided to read my chapter by chapter reviews and responses to "The Red Deaths". This review was actually written around 10:30PM last night so please forgive me if my train of thought seems insane. That happens when I am tired, though it doesn't get too bad until 2 AM or so. To be honest, I am one warm blanket away from passing out so grab your copies and lets do this thing!!

~~~~~~~25-ish minutes later~~~~~~

That is a ship. That is a ship! Willyn X Luken. I ship it. (If you read this chapter than you understand the irony in me using boating terms.)

Alright, we are introduced to not one but two new characters! The first is the ruler of Elum, Filip Darian. This portly, rich and distasteful man feels like the comic relief. He knows how to hold his own in an argument and seems to be entirely capable of taking care of himself but would much rather have a strong drink. He doesn't get along with Willyn very well at all but it appears that he got along with her brother. I hope that maybe this character will give us more insights to what Hagan was like when he was healthy.

The other character that we met was Luken. This guy is blunt, confident and has a heart! Usually the characters like this are heartless so it is very nice to see a well rounded character like this. He is very human in the way he acts so that makes him very relatable however he has something special about him... I don't know what it is just yet but I can feel it. Maybe he has one of those funky Aleph blessing things like Wael has. 
I really liked how we got to experience a different side of Willyn. We got to see her at a weak point in her life. It was far better to see her weak in this stage rather than to see her weak a few chapters from now at a really crucial moment where one mistake can get someone killed. It was also a really cute moment between Willyn and Luken (hence all the shipping commotion at the top). When she needed him, or help in general, he didn't do what most people

would and dote over her. He gently picked with her so that he could help her in a way that would let her maintain her pride and ego. Even though that's something she would never say I feel like those are important to her. 
It feels like I am forgetting something.... (the current time is midnight so I am inching ever closer to my 2 AM brain.)
Oh yeah! Grift! I hope he is okay. He was very smart to go to the Elum islands and I hope he has some connections there that will aid him but he doesn't seem to be doing to well just yet and I know I am going to lose sleep thinking about it.

I am really looking forward to Chap. 10 and I just now realized that we are half way through the book and no one has died yet. Well, besides the king but that doesn't count :P Lets hope everyone survives tomorrows chapter! See ya then!

~Aki Ame Okami

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 8 "The Red Deaths" By Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin

                           A Chapter a Day: Day 8
Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book 1 in the Keys of Candor Series by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes.

Yesterday's chapter was very promising and I can't wait to read today's so enough babbling, grab your books and lets read Chap. 8!

~~~~~~~~20-ish minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh my... Seam has gone off the deep end. I thought he was already there but he proved me wrong. We are only a few hours into his coronation and he is already trying to get himself killed.

We did however get to meet Bronson. This is (unfortunetly) Seam's "Captain of The Guard" so basically I think that is like a body guard.  Bronson has a good moral compass so far. He wants nothing to do with secret meetings or forbidden lands and he doesn't appear to trust Seam even though he is the new sovereign. It takes more than a title to garner trust.  That reminds me, we had some very nice vocabulary in this chapter!
We had "Staccato" which was used in a rather fascinating way.

stac·ca·to (Sta-Kado)

with each sound or note sharply detached or separated from the others:That was the first definition, however the second definition of the noun is going to work for the way I am going to explain it.
A noise or speech resembling a series of short, detached musical notes:

Seam was speaking in short, detached sentences not really explaining anything and just barking orders.  I find the use of that word in that spot to be beautiful.
The other word used was Wanton. Now I haven't seen this word in a while but it is a very... suggestive... word generally. Thankfully the authors used this word in it's proper form!!! 
Wanton: (Wan-ten)  (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked:
Now this word has other definitions but I will leave those out for the sake of the blog.
I am going to change the topic back to new characters. We met a new (obviously evil) girl! With Willyn it was unclear as to if she was going to be good or evil but in chapter 6 it becomes apparent that she is going to be good. She has a heart of gold so it would be impossible for her to be evil. This new girl though, she is just seeping of evil mojo. Her name is Vashti.
Ironically, I can pronounce this one.
Vashti is described in a very mature manner, and I don't mean mature in a bad way. Her description is definitely something that was written by a man and not a boy. This is a direct quote from page 112,
"Her hair fell across her shoulders in intricate curls, a waterfall of midnight. Her skin was dark like mahogany and smooth like porcelain. It was her eyes, however, that captivated the old guard, causing him to feel young and full of vigor and passion. She was exquisite."
That sounds like a well thought out and fairly innocent complement, right? I like Kull, I really do, but that is not something that his character would have been able to say. He is a teenage boy with the mindset of maybe early 20's, if he was describing her like that it would not have been believable. The authors had the right idea to give this intimidating description of Vashti. She sounds beautiful but she also sounds like a force of nature. This is the perfect build up for introducing the true enemy. So even if Seam gets Captain Bronson killed he has still served his purpose from an authors POV. (Point Of View)

This chapter also alluded to the fact that the Alephian Monks are powerful beings.
"Alephian Monks, in a swell of religious fervor, destroyed the temples and shrines of the dark place, leaving them in ruins."
You don't say! This is further fueling the fire of suspicion that I
have for the Monks. If our own daily society has taught us one thing it is that nothing can be that peaceful and maintain absolute respect and religious rights. I am interested to see what little tidbit secrets are in the next chapter.

Alright on a more domestic note, someone asked me "Why do you do these day to day projects that eat up the majority of your time?".
I will be more than happy to answer that in a separate blog post at the end of the month once I am done with this project. The answer is rather personal and kind of long so it simply doesn't have a place in this blog post.
Also on a personal note, I will be out of town tomorrow so the chapter review is going to be written today and published tomorrow. I cannot even begin to guestimate a time for when that will happen so just be sure to check out our Facebook Page (Thats me) for the most recent updates.

Thanks for reading along with me! Hope you come back for tomorrow chapter!!!

~Aki Ame Okami