Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Chapter a Day: Day 19 "The Red Deaths" by Seth Ervin and Casey Eanes

                               A Chapter a Day: Day 19

Reviewing "The Red Deaths" book one in the Keys of Candor Series by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin.

Hey guys! So today has been a day but I have great news, I am going to be doing props and wardrobe for a production company!!! I don't have many details yet (I also don't have permission to write about it so shhh) but when I do I will tell you all about it!
Lets get reading Chapter 19!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30-ish Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

First thing is first. I am going to reuse my Shizuo picture because Shizou is <3

                    !!**WARNING SPOILERS BELOW**!!

Okay. Not cool guys. Not cool at all! Our precious Wael isn't looking good...
I was almost in tears as I read the first few paragraphs. I knew what was coming but it still hit my right in the feels. I love how Wael played peace keeper until the end. He is just so brave and wise that I just have to respect his character however I can't help but feel like something is going to happen with him. I think he is going to die. If that happens I am going to be really sad and mad because that means that Rot never got to say good bye and that's just not okay.... :'(

Our darling Kull has become a man! The way he handles being imprisoned and being forced to work is pretty game-changing when it comes to Kull. I feel like usually he would fall apart mentally or emotionally but he really held it together this time.
I am really proud of him for standing up for the old lady! I was really mad when I thought he was gonna choose his own life over hers but then he saved her and started a riot and I was just like,
"oh, ok then. Good job.".
Speaking of the riot, that moment when Kull started spouting stuff about Aleph to Duncan I almost lost it.

"That changes today. Aleph fights for you and I with Him."
Look who has gone all faithful and Monk-y on us! As much as I want to believe that Kull is our ever believing follower of Aleph, I know better.
I think that Wael did something to him and that is why suddenly he knows the right things to say on behalf of Aleph and why he can stand up to the creepy bone serpent thingy.

Speaking of which,
Kull, you had one job. Everytime that happens you find some amazing way to... mess that up.
From a writers stand point I can understand this because there is an author motto that is "What is the worst thing that can happen to your character? Do it."
and all of these things are certainly terrible for Kull.
These things help him grow and mature as a character, which was proven in this chapter when he had the initiative to start a riot.

What is going to happen to Kull next? He didn't escape after starting the riot and I don't think they are going to be too nice to him now. Not to mention that they saw the whole supernatural exchange so Kull is a Person of Interest now.
Gahh I need to know! I guess we will find out in chapter 21 on Tuesday.
Be sure to come back and read with me! We are so close to the end! Hang in there everyone!

~Aki Ame Okami

He seriously just acted like a monk XD I cant take Kull seriously when he does crap like that.
NOOO NOT WAEL! That scene almost made me cry.
Kull is still being controlled by Wael
What is Kull gonna do next?????

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