Cosplay In 20 Days Or Less: Day 9
Recap: Injury count 1 (officially) Things made: 6 out of 8. Days until the con 10.
***This post is for the April the 20th I was just late posting it. Got caught up in all my work :P
I am going to start this post with some good news.
I will be doing the stage make-up at The COMMA for this weekends play! That's super awesome!
Also, my dearest Heiwa and I are organizing a Butler Café for sometime in July! If any readers are in the area and want to come just comment and we can talk about it further :)
Alright, onto to Tomfoolery! I mean Tomproppery?
Starting the day with a healthy breakfast of Coffee, a Yoohoo and some cold/allergy medicine XD
I actually have a really sensitive stomach so this is a typical meal for me.
This happened by chance. We were on our way to Walmart and JoAnne's and I just so happened to notice that the milk truck in front of us had a license plate that said "Yaoi".
I was ecstatic!
I found this gem in Walmart of all places.
They have Strawberry and Chocolate!!!!
I had never tried the chocolate so I got some.
They are super yummy and don't hurt my stomach!
Bought the white bias tape I am going to use to trim out the blazer.
I should have bought some white thread while I was there. I have some in stock but I am not sure of its quality....
I went back to one of the thrift shops and bought a fantastic base for the signature Yukio Okumura trench coat :P It was too long for me to fit in one picture so I threw it over Mikata's bag and seat while she was out of the car XD
This is the base parts of the tail.
I took a metal clothes hanger and straightened it out and then I have black fur in the bag.
I has plans for it....
One of the most terrifying parts of my day. Drafting the sword xd
I am not that confident in my ability to draw a straight line let alone a curved one.
I added the "Gems".
What that really means is, I got frustrated and filled the holes with more hot glue and then covered them in puffy paint. I will seal it tomorrow.
Yes, it looks that bad IRL too. :'(
This is the base for the tail. The top of the ornament is flames (Will paint blue and stuff LED lights in it later) and then I will cover the rest of it in fur. The wire portion of the tail will be wrapped in layers of electrical
tape and then spray with plasti-dip.
I did it! I actually drafted the sword!
I rocked out to K-pop while I did it. I am going to have to share my K-pop play list with you guys soon....
Spray painted the last pendant! We now have the most metal yard in the neighbor hood!
(Metal, get it?)
I also cleaned my room (it was a mess... I haven't been using it for like a week except to go in and change my clothes.) but I didn't take any pictures cause you guys probably don't care about my mortal realm. I mean room. O.o
Tomorrow I hope to sew the trim on the jacket and do a test run of the cosplay. I still have to finish the tail, second pendant, sword and sword bag. Other than that I am done!
The sword concerns me a lot. I still haven't found paper clay in store anywhere and I haven't stopped to check for Sugru. So basically, I have no idea what the sword details will be made out of.
I will be winging it from here on out!
Thanks for the read, hope you come back to help me finish the project!
~Aki Ame Okami
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