A Chapter A Day: Day 13
Reviewing book two in the Keys of Candor series, Sea of Souls, by Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin
Howdy my friends, you may have noticed I have already posted once today. That was the promised review of my trip to Shelby-Con, minus the part about me winning the costume contest, and it wont stop me from writing this! My headache and the building list of props I need to finish before AARC might try and stop me but it still wont happen, so grab your books and possibly your reading glasses and lets get our read on!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25 Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~
Today I am going to do things out of order, first I will cover the deep "Plot thickening" points of the chapter, then I will do the funny things and provide humorous pictures and lastly I will let you adore the vocabulary used in this chapter. This way if you aren't interested in any of that you don't have to read it.
The plot thickens!!!
Seam is becoming madly overpowered to the point that the Serubs are worried about it. This is really intriguing because the way the book has read up to this point makes it seem like the Serubs were the ultimate evil but I think it is pretty clear that if Seam concerns them then he might be worse. I think that he is just about as unstable as Vanessa and Tiffany from Big Brother but whatever.
I thought it was a little awkward when Seam was talking about experimenting with his powers on Kulls shell of a body. I get it, kind of. It really doesn't matter how you look at it, it really isn't healthy to be playing with undead bodies. When serial killers keep a trophy it usually isn't an entire body so we are breaking new ground for psychologists everywhere!!!
Reuben... Ewing trusted you. Imagine the sad and disgruntled face of our lil old Ewing when he finds out your a traitor and plotting to bring Aleigha into Seam. How could you willingly disappoint him? I am very concerned about Aleigha. I can't decide if I think Seam will kill her or make her a morel/puppet type of thing. How twisted would you have to be to control your own mother... I actually don't want to think about that.
Isphet and The Betrayer (The 6th) Returned the Serubs to Aleph. Why is Isphet locked away if he helped lock the others up? What secrets does he know about gaining power and stopping The Keeper and did he learn those secrets from The 6th?
Even though this is one series I feel like I am trying to piece together the plot of about 6 different books. I actually don't hate it. Being able to see the protagonists and the antagonists points of views makes me drawn into the world even more. As always, I am still rooting for the bad guy even though I love the good guys.
Gotta love the love/hate relationship with the book :P
Okay, I have two shamelessly funny things.
First, we have Reuben.

Not only is he a traitor to the rebellion, he is also a delicious looking sandwich that is made out of Corned beef, Swiss cheese, Sauerkraut and Russian dressing, grilled between two slices of rye bread. (The kind with the swirls) Why does he have to look so good and be so bad?
So at some point in this chapter Seam referenced the black Spartan uniforms..... That lead to one of the best google searches ever.
The results went from normal to more clothes, less clothes, male, female, game uniform, army uniform, football and basket ball uniforms, some little logo guys for some brand and pet costumes but the best by far has to be seeing these two side by side. I just... I don't know what I am doing with my life..
And finally, my favorite segment, the Vocabulary lesson!
Charade: an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance:
This word isn't all that rare but most people don't know what it means so it made the list.
The meanings of this word go from simple to rocket science.
Oscillated: move or swing back and forth at a regular speed: AND "vary in magnitude or position in a regular manner around a central point"
Defiler: Noun of Defile: sully, mar, or spoil.
Basically someone who had sullied, marred or spoiled.
Incensed: very angry; enraged.
I actually didn't know this word and its existence fascinates me!!
Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch
So once again I thank you for joining me on this reading journey, we are far from over and I can't wait to see you again tomorrow.
See Ya!
~Aki Ame Okami
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