Saturday, February 13, 2016

Plans For Morganton-Con

Morganton-Con is next weekend!!! I got to thinking... last time I went as the rough Kiba Inuzuka and by rough I mean that was my cosplay in its basic stages. I have refined some of the key traits of Kiba since then and I was dying to wear him again however I plan to enter Kiba in Marion-cons cosplay contest in March so now I have a conflict of schedules.... My soulution?
(get it, soulution) Lets rock Soul!  Why not? He may be an OC but he has some devilish charms. It will also be some good publicity for my new blog soooo....

For all of you who wanted to see Kiba I am very sowwy :(
I promise to do something special for you in Kiba's next photo shoot...
Should he play fetch or beg for a treat?

~Aki Ame Okami

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