Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cosplay Struggle #1

Hey there,
There are a lot of cosplay struggles but the first one that I always think about is waiting.  Waiting for supplies, waiting for measurements, waiting for the convention and waiting for hot glue to dry (or you could be silly like me and poke it while its still super hot and basically have your entire hand be made out of hot glue burns).  
Currently the icey roads are keeping me inside so I cannot do any supplies runs. There is a little voice in my head screaming "Use what you have here! That brown headband you have is kinda like the black one you were getting and that hat totally wont fray and isn't too short!" I keep trying to ignore it.. That's how I ended up here :P
The con is this weekend and I was gonna get my costume reviews tomorrow but uh... that might not happen for obvious reasons. I also have to complete the concept for another character and finish ANYTHING she may need with basically 1 day with the model.
Not stressful at all....

Oh well, I am gonna go finish an anime or something... ;)

~Aki Ame Okami

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