Friday, February 24, 2017

Late Valentines Day 2017: Let's talk about love

Sorry friends,

I know I am late with the Valentines day post. For some reason the scheduling button still doesn't work -_-'
Oh well, let's do this!

Valentines Day means love, happiness, and romance to millions of people across the states, but to an equally sizable amount it means loneliness and bit of bitterness. (Or as I like to call us, Salty Singles).

Typically I address the way we single folks can spend this time of loneliness in enjoyable ways, like binge watching series or reading good books, but this time I want to talk about love.

Love doesn't have to be romantic and mushy. We all have those friends in our lives that can make the worst days into the best and that is a type of love. In Japan, there are actually terms for this different levels of love so I am going to introduce you to them.

Daisuke (Die-S-kay) Means the type of love that you would express towards friends or someone that you find endearing.

(Eye-She-Tear-ooo (not "oh" but the "u" sound sort of like Eww)) This is for a more serious relationship and instances where you are trying to convey your feelings.

Koishiteru (Co-She-Tear-ooo* (same as above))
This is the real deal. This is the, "I'd take a bullet for you" type of love that people rarely find. 

These are the subjects that I will be talking about today.

"Daisuke" is the best way to spend your single Valentines Day in my opinion. Surrounded by friends who bring you happiness with no romantic obligations what-so-ever is a truly relaxing and enjoyable time. There is no shame in having a Daisuke Valentines Day!

"Aishiteru" is for those poor fools who decided to start dating right before Valentines Day. This is the traditional case of "I like you! Please be my Valentine!" that ruins relationships that could have had potential. I don't recommend this, but that doesn't say that this type of love doesn't work out.

"Koishiteru" is who Valentines Day is really for. The couples that have been dating for a while, and know each other. This is for the couples who truly love each other.

What is love?
Love is when you would die for someone, or depending on where you are at in life, when you would live for someone. This is when you would willingly give your partner your lungs if they needed them, knowing it would likely kill you.
       Love is also when you know your lover has faults, but you know that and love them anyways. The way your partner is really insecure, but you do your best to make them secure and don't take it personally on the bad days when they question you.
       Love is when you ignore the little things. The way they smack when they chew, or leave their clothes all over the bathroom floor, or how they always ask you to buy them food. That is just one of the prices of love, and trust me, you aren't a cupcake either. You annoy them just as much.
       Love is when you love who the person right in front of you is, not the person from their past that they are ashamed of and try to hide.

Is love for everyone?
Yes and no. To receive love, you must learn to love yourself. To be able to love someone else, you must have been broken. Humans are weird, squishy little things. We get hurt by the most bazaar things and getting fixed isn't anywhere near as easy.
      The yes part, everyone will have some form of love in their life. It may be a friend, or a partner, but it is still love. For those of us that reach the partner type of love, treasure it. Know that to be fully devoted to the person you love, you need to open yourself up emotionally. Don't hide those insecurities or burdens that you bear. Your lover wants to help you with them, and they want to share theirs with you.
      The no part, not everyone learns to love themselves or accept the flaws of others. Some people have been hurt so badly by a love from the past that they can't trust themselves to love in the future. These people can't give love until they love themselves first.
      The other side of this is when people are so in love with themselves that they can't make room in their heart for you. Learn to know the differences and it could save your heart.

Do I believe in love? Well who knows... I know my parents love each other. I know I love my friends. Do I think I can be loved? I am working on that. Previously in my life, I would have told you no, but I have grown as a person and I have accepted a lot of who I am. It might be possible now but I am not holding my breath.

I hope that whatever form of love you have, you treasure it. I also hope that you had a fantastic Valentines Day!!!
I promise you will be seeing more of me around here because I need something happy to do and blogging makes me happy.

Upcoming articles:
The Shelby-con article never posted?! The heck, Google?!
365 days of growth- my personal growth from one Yama-con to the next!
Probably some school related rants.

Thank you for reading,
Love, Aki Ame Okami

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