Friday, September 16, 2016

College and Con Prep

                             College and Con Prep

Hello again everyone and welcome to another post from Aki!

Lately I haven't done such a good job of keeping up with my quotes or my posts and I do apologize for that. This semester hit me pretty hard with homework, sickness and the feels.

However, my writing has also improved along with my social skills
and coping abilities so not everything has been a bad experience so far.
So this is going to be a fast paced post because I am supposed to be writing a paper right now. Shhh O.o

Some where in the middle of all this college mess Heiwa came up to me and said, "Lets do new Naruto characters for Marion-con!" and I agreed without really thinking about it. I had been wanting to take my AoT cosplay but I said yes to her and it isn't perfect just yet so it was whatever.

Then I went and put my foot in my mouth, maybe even both feet!

Baka came up to me and told me about her Dart photo shoot as Little Red Riding Hood and I casually mentioned to Mikata that I could throw a wolf together for the shoot. Baka heard and thought it was a great idea, so suddenly I was a wolf! Then Baka asked me to go as a wolf for Marion-con since she will be taking her Little Red. Once again I was not paying attention and said sure.
So now I am committed to two characters for one con...

I plan on switching costumes at some point in the day so I can still take both.

Now here is the fun part, I had to make the new Naruto character (Yugao) that Heiwa wanted me to go as. So I just finished up my anbu mask, I am reusing my Kurikara and altering the fine details a smidgen.*

*I wont be dying my hair purple nor buying a purple wig before tomorrow.
*Don't think I will be wearing a sleeveless turtle neck because I don't like my arms that much.
*I wont be cutting the toes off of a pair of boots.
*The vest wont be 100% accurate but I do have plans and materials to make the vest again at a later date.

It was a lot of work but somehow I managed to finish everything and it will all be worth it for MARION-CON!!!!!
Also, I think at this point almost all the team is planning on attending Marion-con. (Heiwa, Oinari, Baka, Heiwa's cousin, and I)
so that is going to be awesome.

I look forward to potentially seeing you tomorrow at the con!

~Aki Ame Okami

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It was great meeting you at Marion Con this past weekend! Baby Rabiez hopes to see you at Hickory and then at Yama Con!!
