A Chapter A Day: Day 26
Reviewing book two in the Keys of Candor series, Sea of Souls, by Seth Erving and Casey Eanes.
Hello everyone, I am sorry about the Saturday post. I got to thinking about it and I realized that the potential of these final 3 chapters could be really intense and dramatic so I didn't want to splits them up with the Sunday off. That was just a wild guess because I obviously don't know the content though so lets go read and see if it paid off!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A few stressful minutes later~~~~~~~~~~
So while reading I noticed that sometimes the authors double space things... What's up with that? I measured them because I thought my eyes might be playing tricks on me but no they actually double space things occasionally.
Is this something that is done on purpose or is a habit that one of them has? Whatever it is, it adds a nice affect.
Cacophony: a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
Prostrate page 376 3rd paragraph down from the break, I had to read it a few times just to make sure I was reading it right. Imagine how awful it would have been if there was a typo there.
Anyways if you are like me and want to know the meaning and origin of this word then I have good news! Its right here!
Adjective: "Lying stretched out on the ground with one's face downward"
Verb: (of distress, exhaustion, or illness) reduce (someone) to extreme physical weakness:
Origin:Middle English: from Latin prostratus ‘thrown down
Woo!!! We learned a few new words! How's that for an accomplishment? (Referring to the fact that I will never be an Olympian)
Luken and Grift, together again!!!
It was really great to see them working together again with Grift not being skittish. I think they make an overpowered team and I am glad to see them side by side on the battlefront.
"but words will never hurt me?"! Luken you spicy old badger!
The authors saw their chance and took it! That is nothing short of beautiful humor.
Luken! NO!
That wad intense but Lukens last words disturbed me a little bit.
Why did they let Seam control them? he asked. Does that mean that he wanted them to have free will? I don't think I like that but once again the plot thickens!
Not good....
ABSOLUTELY NOT GOD. Even in literature it is mildly offensive when people claim to be God. I understand it is vital to the plot line and I was expecting it so it's no biggie but I am just saying that as a forewarning because I expect for it to be something that comes up frequently if I continue to do book reviews. Lots of villains have a God complex just like people.
Adley is pinned, Grift is probably on the verge of death, Wael is down the for the count and Rot didn't seem to be too injured... I hope. I am serious about anti-animal abuse in books so hopefully he will pull through.
Now is time for Kull to choose and I think that Aleph will make him choose who lives or something to that effect. Personally I would choose Grift. Friends and lovers can be replaced but parental units are forever.
I can't wait to see how the Aleph twist will play out. That's all for today. I know this was short today but I have been absorbed in the Olympics and college prep.. That's right guys, I have orientation tomorrow morning at good ole WPCC and I am stressed to the max. I try not to do reviews or blog posts when I am that stressed because they seem to lack luster and finesse but I realized today that I don't have that anyways so I went for it. This book helped me unwind a little bit which I am grateful for.
In the end, even if I hate college like I am expecting I still wont be stuck in the middle of a spiritual war that is killing everything so that's nice.
Stay safe and wish me luck!!! See ya!
~Aki Ame Okami
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