So a recap of Sunday..
To be honest I didn't have much planned, I wanted to hit the dealers room and buy all the things! Then I remembered I was poor ^_^ So instead we meandered around the entire convention center. I must say I really loved the outside. With it being right on the river we didn't have to go very far for good photo opportunities so that was a big plus for me. Sunday started out very depressing, it was the last day. Heiwa didn't sleep real good Saturday night so she was a
This time we ran into the wonderful Chuck Huber!!! (Insert Fan girl here) Heiwa is madly in love with Ash Landers from Black Butler so as soon as Mr. Huber found that out he started talking to her in Ash's voice. You should have seen Heiwa, she fangirled like there was no tomorrow. It was adorable. The kind Mr. Huber signed her press badge and I still can't get that thing away from her! I wanted to take a picture to show you all but I value my life...
After that we got in line for the Charity Auction, we were gonna watch and take pictures since we obviously couldn't buy anything however the people in line ahead of us (3 guys) were getting increasingly awkward and inappropriate so I had no interest in hanging around. I am sorry, I know I should have toughed it out for you guys but I just couldn't handle it and I didn't want to get thrown out. Please forgive me :(
After that Heiwa's mood drastically changed and I was unable to repair it. We sat outside waiting for our ride and I realized that this was it. We were leaving Yama-Con. I was going to have to go home and put my nerd back in the closet for another year. I was stuck on that depressing thought until I saw something that made me smile. A Yama-Con Staff member was walking around picking up trash (which I am thankful for because I was just about to get up and do that because what type of monster would liter at Yama-Con!!!
As my ride was pulling in I saw the most amazing cosplay of Sunday, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin. These cosplayers will never know how happy they made me. They posed for this picture and then gave me a rose, which now sits happily on my bedside table.
Thank you Hikaru and Kaoru for saving my Sunday!!!!!
It only occurred to me afterwards that I had asked them to pose in a way that the sun was blinding them... Super sorry :(
And so to end my recap of Yama-Con 2015 I am going to do an honorary award ceremony!!!
Best Staff member: The girl at the counter who approved our medical bag for the rave! (And the guy who picked up the trash, and the one who found my keys and my phone and the guy that changed the schedule and randomly it worked in our favor)
Best Band Performance: ........The Slants!
I know that Eyeshine is really good to but something just was on point with The Slants and I really hope they come back next year.
Best Cosplay (Singular): Shizuo Heiwajima!!!!
(shocked, aren't you?)
(That was actually really hard because I loved the Naruto group walking around that let Heiwa and I take a few group shots with them. I always wanted cool cosplay friends.)
Best Karaoke: Alois Trancy and Ciel Phantomhive singing "I won't Say I'm In Love"
Thank you to everyone who helped make my first real con such a wonderful experience. I really hope to get to know some new people next year and that I walk away from the con with a friend.
Signing off about Yama-Con 2015 for the last time.
~Aki Ame Okami
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