Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Blog update: Admins and where we are at

Hello friends,

I know the posts have been seemed rather random lately but I assure you that is not the case. The way the end of the year worked out just caused everything to go into a tailspin.

Upcoming posts on this blog include:
*(but aren't limited to):

A book review from one of the merchants from the last Hickory-con.

A book review from a stranger that I contacted online
.* Tentative.

Cosplay ideas, tutorials, and theories as to why something isn't canon. Maybe a few prop "breakdowns" about the components and what they are/do.

Convention reviews. I still have the personal posts to write about Yama-con 2016 and after that I have Shelby-con coming up at the end of the month, then Morganton-con in March.

Valentines day special. Probably going to be a list of things to do when you are single and feeling down, or me in cosplay randomly giving out valentines to strangers. I haven't decided yet.

There will also probably be some spur of the moment posts about school, what it means to have family, life in general and maybe even death. Bad things happen sometimes and I am not afraid to acknowledge them or talk about them with you guys, because they don't just happen to me and if my experiences can help you in some way it is worth it to share them.

Monday, January 9, 2017

PSA Yuri on Ice cosplayers

         Attention Yuri On Ice Cosplayers!

A lot of cosplayers have been looking for ways to create ice skates that they can cosplay in. The go to answer is normal skates; however, we all know those aren't allowed in convention centers.

My solution! (Please credit me if you use it, I have only ever had this one good idea).

Furniture sliders! (Those things you put under heavy furniture to slide it across carpet easily).
As a kid I used to "skate" around on the carpet with them all the time. You could make your "skates" and make the bottom have that hardened, slick plastic bottom while still leaving enough normal space for proper walking traction. Obviously it isn't a perfect theory but please let it take you in the right direction!