Sunday, October 9, 2016


Hey friends,

So today we are going to discuss perspective.

Think about the thing that you dread most at the moment.
Okay, what was it? Was it a bad grade, losing your job, that family reunion, breaking up with your partner or something like that?

For me, I have been stressing about my grades. Every week was a battle between staying motivated to get that A+ or jumping in front of a bus. This weekend a certain chain of events forced some perspective into my life.

A girl and her twin sister got into a horrible car wreck. They were my age and driving a rode I drive with my sister a lot. The passenger didn't make it.

I really wanted to go to the memorial service tonight to support the family but I couldn't find a reason for me to be there. I didn't know her or the family, I didn't work with her or go to school with her. I had no respectful reason to be there.

I couldn't comfort them in a way that would make things better so I decided to do what I do best. I am going to write about it and try to learn something from it.

Yes every problem that I mentioned above is a real problem but when you add a little perspective and compare it to losing your better half.. It's not that big a deal. My grades aren't that big a deal, my one-sided relationship isn't that big a deal because at the end of the day I can still go home and hug my sister. She will still be there.

Life and death is what defines a person and it's what defines a problem. If it doesn't kill you literally, don't let it kill you mentally.
Don't cry over grades or a boy, cry over those people and pets you will never see again.

I leave you with this.

"Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day. Unseen, Unheard but always near.
Still loved, Still missed and always dear."